Roxanne Dubarry Poems

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Everyday Is International Nurses' Day!

May 12,2016, was International Nurses' Day.
May 13,2016, is the afternoon after.
But where would the world be without
compassionate nurses in our lives?

Poetry, Is My Preferred Artform.

I hail from a long line of artists and even have some minor artistic
talent. I would prefer: rulers to paint brushes. I prefer markers,
crayons, pencils, and pens.

Overcoming Depression #1

Whenever I am feeling:
lonely, sad, or blue;
dear Heavenly Father,
I am free to seek


Christmas present, and Christmas past, both
help create precious memories that last.
Christmas presents under Christmas trees was part of
Christmas past for both friends and family.

In My Fulness Of Time.

Some day, in my fullness of time,
The end of my life has come.
What will count eternally?
Those thoughts, words, and deeds

'The Sprit Of Brotherly Love'

Honestly, brotherly love isn't all about people; it's what Jesus
Christ taught his disciples to both say and do. 'A new commandment
I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you.'
Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice. He laid down his

'Summer Time Is Finally Here.'

Welcome To Spring

And when you hear the wedding bells ring! ring!
You can listen to the little song birds sing! sing!
Welcome, Welcome to Spring.
And whenever you go singing in the rain,

'Please Don'T Weep For Me.'

My fellow beloved believers,
in Christ Jesus our Savior,
and our redeemer, 'please don't
weep for me.' Because I just

Jesus, What Your Friendship Means To Me

Dear Jesus Christ,
whenever I am sad and blue, I close my
eyes and think of you.
For your grace is there above heaven's cloudy sky.

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