Roy Allen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Today... 'The King Of Kings'

Enthroned upon high as Sovereign Lord
mighty angels and men obey His word
prostrate before His throne they bend
for His eternal kingdom will never end.

Today... 'God's Dear Son'

Rescued from the darkness and saved by grace
when God's Dear Son entered the human race.
Bringing me into the Kingdom of Light
no more to be bound by darkness and night.

Today... 'The Everlasting King'

The Everlasting King He shall be
all glorious in His Majesty.
Heaven and earth His praise applauds
The King of kings and Lord of lords

Today... 'Faithful And True'

Faithful and True on a white horse You now ride
bursting from heaven as its doors open wide.
With justice You war against the enemy.
They've no way to escape and nowhere to flee.

Today... 'The Comforter'

This poor man cried and the Lord heard his voice
Placed a new song in his mouth causing him to rejoice
The great Comforter from heaven came to comfort me
With His arms outstretched on that cross at Calvary.

Today... 'Author Of Eternal Salvation'

The last eternal chapter has been written
telling of how The Lamb of God was smitten.
This great story of salvation I will tell
of the Saviour who has saved my soul from hell.

Today... 'Consuming Fire'

Behold the Name of the Lord comes from afar
in dense clouds of smoke as a consuming fire.
His great glory from the mountaintop shines forth
with burning anger and with lips full of wrath.

Today... 'Friend Of Publicans And Sinners'

The Son of Man came here eating and drinking
'He is a glutton' all the priests were thinking.
But wisdom by all her children was proved right
Truth's revealed only to those who've seen the light.

Today... 'Belovèd'

Oh wondrous Son born of love Divine.
God had said 'Belovèd Son of mine.'
The word of God proclaimed from above
'Jesus is the Son of my great love.'

Today... 'Angel Of God's Presence'

Angels are servants the bidding of God they do
But the fullness of the Godhead was dwelling in You
The very Presence of God came to us on earth
when You entered into this would through virgin birth.

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