Savita Tyagi Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A New Day

Wading through dark waters
Arrives a day of hope and resilience!
Optimism responses to the screams
Reaching out from the tomb of desperate

Dream Escape

Usually I forget most of my dreams!
Sometimes though images are so strong that their impression remain,
However small it is.
Last night's dream was also something like that.

About A Day That Stands Out

Some time in doing simple things
The chain of events that take place
Make me think that
All this isn't my doing alone.

A Song Of My Existence

Today I sing just for my self
This music as natural as the breath I take
Doesn't belong to pages of poetry
I sing not in memory of past

A Prayer For Guidance

Lord! Show me the way and I can walk on it.

Stings of thorny bushes will not swear me.

Not Too Long At A Fork

If indecisive when roads cross on
Follow the path that you are on.

It may not hold the charm of newness

A Spring Like Day In Autumn I


O! Autumn
What mask have you put on today?

Random Thought 58 (Fast Paced Life)

Sunday Morning
Poems fly over front page
Disappear so quick
Like planes running from tarmac

Vrindavan, Krishna And Devotional Music

Nestled in fertile planes of North India
Is a small town of Vrandavan, filled with much
Revered devotional and transcendental music.
Crossing the town I closed my eyes for few seconds

Kabir's Shabad 33 Prem (Love Divine)

Lift the veil from your heart
To get the glimpse of your beloved.

That beloved resides in every heart

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