Pennywise Poem by Timothy Long


Pennywise, the clown so bright
With a twisted smile, a frightful sight
Born from fear and nightmares deep
A monster that makes his victims weep

He lures children with balloons and fun
But his intentions are anything but pure and fun
He feeds on their fears, their deepest dread
And turns their dreams into a waking nightmare instead

But who is Pennywise, this creature of fear?
Let me tell you his story, and make it all clear
He was once a man, a circus clown
Who lived in a small town, well known around

But his mind was dark, filled with evil thoughts
And soon these thoughts consumed him, tied him in knots
He killed and terrorized, wore a constant grin
Until one day, he drowned in his own sin

But death couldn't hold him, he rose again
A being of terror, one that could not be slain
He hides in sewers, in the shadows of the night
Waiting for his next prey, ready to strike

Pennywise, the clown with powers untold
A being of darkness, one to behold
His pale skin and red hair, a symbol of dread
The mere mention of his name fills you with dread

So beware of the clown, with a smile so wide
For he is not just a horror, he is pure evil inside
Pennywise, the creature that stalks your dreams
A monster that's real, or so it seems.

Timothy Long

Timothy Long

Auburn, New York
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