Ted Sheridan Poems

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And To Think I Once Called Her Princess

Sanctioned by her own conscious she harbors her resentment
In the dirty panties and crusted socks she sleeps in each night
They comfort her in her misery and provide another excuse
To curse God for painful truths she feels he bestows on her alone

A World In Which Nearly Everybody Wants To Be A Millionaire

He grew up wanting to be a hobo and ride the trains
With names like the Powhatan and the Pocahontas
The old trains provided a familiarity to his dreams
The click clacking sounds of steel meeting steel

Was That The Idea?

Since when did everyone in this friggin’ televised world of ours
Decide they could endear themselves to the rest of us ordinary people
By picking up a large coffee mug
Complete with some fancy logo imprinted on the face of it

Deposing Dad From His Cross

Dearest Daddy….the message said
I’ll be over to get my things on Saturday
We’ve found a house and we are moving in
So open the door when we knock

The Emperor Has No Clothes...By Hands Atheist Lewinsky

I wonder …if you spend over two hundred million dollars to become President
Just how much money would it take to become Emperor?
It couldn’t be that much more…
Emperor Hillary Clinton has a certain ring to it don’t you think…

Women Know That Old Men Have A Bad Aim

A man of fifty years or better
Approaches the porcelain bowl
Looks down to see his feet
He must now lean forward at such extreme

Voids Which Can Never Be Filled

Having only ever experienced love in a room dark with suspicions
She really had no clue as to the depth of the incisions love can make
When preformed by a surgeon who knows how to cut
Or the drunkeness it can induce

Suicide Bombers Are Cowards

It was just a bomb that took four arms and six legs
From nine perfectly healthy individuals
It was just a bomb that took sixteen lives
And left seventy two people seriously wounded

Ways Of Checking Out Without The Pain Of Saying Goodbye

I am doing research on the most effective and least
Painful ways for me to forever leave this life
So far the only two methods I have found both involve
A Monkey, a Boa snake and a Handmaiden.....

A Simple Twist Of Lemons

Like a blight of black flies
darkness had consumed my world.
A thousand mouths chewed my flesh
as they buzzed my every thought

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