Valsa George Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A (Conventional) Love Song!

Oh my Love! The throb and thrill of my life!
Why remain so elusive like will-o’- the- wisp?
Why vanish quickly like a delightful dream
Why fade out like a symphony sweet?

Limerick- Thus Ended Their Dating

Two lovers secretly planned on a ‘date'
They agreed to meet at dead of the night
Into darkness, as they stole
Fell into a deep manhole

Random Ruminations- 1

Everything is fastened to everything else
Nothing or no one has a solitary existence
Each one is a link in the braided cord,
Connecting and strengthening the chain.

The Tree In My Yard

In my yard stands a tree
tall and sturdy
lone like a hermit,
regal like an empress

My Indebtedness To Poem Hunter

Poem Hunter to me is just like a joint family
How by a common bond, here we are strung together
Though sailing in different currents, anchored in remote ports
Distance among us has never been a hitch or a tether

I Don'T Want.....!

The thoughts of death stubbornly cling to me
As icicles hanging from the trees
Sending chills up through every neuron
I hear their empty rattle in my head

In Sleep's Chamber

Far, over the monstrous gray summits
As dusking shadows crept stealthily on,
When night had turned more stygian
And glow worms had begun throwing flickers of light

An Ode To A Butterfly

You delicate darling
miracle of grace
dancing damsel
arresting all the eyes

Let Us Go For A Walk

Oh Dad, on this fine morn, let us go for a walk
On the way you can meet your friends and talk
The road is quiet and the meadows wide
All you need is to keep your gloom aside

By The Side Of A Brook

On the bank of a rushing brook
I sat for hours watching its course.
Peered into the clear gurgling mass
That cascaded down from a mountainous source

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