Valsa George Poems

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Her Duplicity

she is scarred so deep inside
yet she chooses to remain beautiful
the gloom of darkness engulfs her
yet she dons a mask of brightness

A Bonsai

On a sea strand,
Have you watched empty shells
Mercilessly tossed from sea to shore
And from shore to sea?

Our Life

Our life on Earth is a God given boon
It should be skillfully set to tune
Both beauty and charm it should enclose
And should smell fragrant like a red, red rose

A Bright Spring Morning

Out of the dark, a lambent, lovely day has dawned
In silvery brilliance the early morning is drowned
In the sapphire sky, the sun has appeared on his diurnal shift
Over the firmament the vagrant clouds aimlessly drift

When Death Comes

When Death resolutely comes
At any time with his deadly summons

Tarry not like a galley slave

What Poetry Is

When letters wait
to pounce on a blank page
when thoughts crowd the mind
like frothing scum in a pond

Posted With No Address

Bitten by a love bug,
My heart swells with oedema
My love, like gnawing anxiety,
Burdens me

Human Heart

What incredible wonder is the human heart!
The great powerhouse that stores up blood
Through pipelines of arteries and veins
Blood is pumped unceasingly from head to foot

In Remembrance Of My Father

Like a warm breath of air
He hovers in my memory
No superman, a meek soul
Not one to squander his time

The Great Escape

Left alone in a dreary mood,
With none to lean on and look for,
She tethered her soul to sordid gloom,
And chained her fancy, never letting to soar.

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