Bob Gotti Poems

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Departed Souls

Men and women close to us, die each day and return to dust.
And for some who pass away, many can only hope and pray,
That they too, knew The Way, before they had died that day,
If Christ was not upon their heart, on that day they did depart.

Churched People

Many unconverted religious people, gather together under a steeple,
They gather in the church below, but how much of it is just for show?
Each week religiously on one day, they meet together kneel and pray.
How much does it change their ways, as they live the other six days?

God’s At Work

Be still, be quiet and you shall see, the hand of The God of Eternity.
Just be still and know He is God, shepherding all with staff and rod.
He’s at work throughout your life; He’s the comfort in pain and strife.
And when a problem won’t relent, God is there with encouragement.

Whiter Than Snow

As the snow falls from up above, it falls down on the earth below.
It covers everything like a glove, with The Creator’s winter show.
But peeking out is a contrast of, the dark earth beneath the snow.
Soon the sun will return and then, the blanket of snow melts away.

Living In Expectation

Living faithfully and expectantly, must be life for you and me,
In Christ alone we have reason, this regardless of the season,
To long for the return of Christ, no matter where we are in life,
While we live, all that we learn, with our hope in Christ's return.

Led By God

God has led me all these years, through all trials, joys and tears,
Through times I did not understand, led by His omnipotent hand,
Through each year and every trial, God was there, with no denial,
Giving me an undeniable peace, that to this day does not cease.

From The Desert

You can trust The Great I AM, to obey and serve The Risen Lamb,
Even in the mist of our desolation, we’re led by God’s Revelation,
Being strangers in a foreign land, we are led by God’s Holy Hand,
The Eternal I AM, Jesus Christ, is that One Who directs all our life.

Purity And Love Practiced

We all need to walk in purity and love, as we live for our Lord above,
This as God's Word we truly heed, purity and love is what men need,
Within the world that has gone astray, with many on the broader way,
Souls seduced by Satan's seduction, on a path towards destruction!

True Repentance

Today in the Body there’s a sense, we are missing true Repentance,
The fear of God is missing in us, many who belong to Christ Jesus,
Have many who have come to faith, taken advantage of His Grace?
Continuing on in their old behavior; not truly walking with the Savior.

Vessels Of God

I simply choose to understand, I am just a vessel in God’s Hand,
An empty vessel that He uses, as He desires, where He chooses,
Led by God’s Holy Spirit within, this, as all the glory goes to Him,
While The Lord above uses my life, as a witness for Jesus Christ.

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