Christopher Teale

Christopher Teale Poems

Don't hear, listen.
Don't give, share.
Don't see, notice.
Don't hope for good, do good.

My tears are black ink
That spill upon empty pages
I try to hold them back, till I blink
And they escape their swollen cages

Beside a lake in the forest deep
Stands a lonely, stone keep
Sealed by thick wooden doors
Surrounded by tall granite walls

La noche se alarga con tu memoria
Pensamiento que arde en mi mente
Mientras la Luna pasa por el cielo lentamente
Para hacerme acuerdo de la cruel belleza

I can only dream of you
Dream of your memory
Live of your thought
Singing a melody

The dew did settle upon the moonlit ground
And the stars did twinkle in the heavens dark
From the still lagoon came the trickling sound
Of a boat moving on the waters dark.

The only means to survival is death,
For I die to poetry,
I die to humanity,
to survive as a parody to man.

Where drought had long prevailed
And brought death, and only death;
Lay'd on the ground the bones unveiled
Of one who loved till final breath.

A leaf upon the wind
A pebble in the river
We walk to a forgotten end.

I look upon the fragile existence of our Universe,
Entropy and chaos, emptiness and death
Every atom decaying, whilst I write this very verse
Life failing from existence with every single breath


En aquellos profundos lagos
Volverán nuevamente a resonar
Los tristes y lentos pasos
De un hombre solitario, al caminar

Trembling like a leaf upon the tree
When struck by the sudden breeze
I trembled as I looked on thee
As your hair danced with the breeze

Caught in the cold of every day
Of staring into a lifeless screen
Letters before my eyes parade
But human nature is rarely seen

Lights floating on the water,
Over the dark and cold
Lights floating on the water
From the days of old

Met by unspeakable curiosity
We come to doubt ourselves
Analyzing with terrible scrutiny
The story the universe tells

A flower that passed me by
With radiant beauty it didn't own
For as time comes its way
The seeds of age it will sow

Sitting in a boat in a lake
Drifting slowly around
Not sure whats true or fake
As my mind wonders about

When your eyes I contemplate
Is aroused within my heart
Such a loud and fiery debate
That its most brutally torn apart

The Best Poem Of Christopher Teale

A Better Way Of Living

Don't hear, listen.
Don't give, share.
Don't see, notice.
Don't hope for good, do good.
Don't work, serve.
Don't think, meditate.
Don't love, Love.
Don't seek yourself, find yourself in the joy of others.

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