Jacob Gifford Poems

Hit Title Date Added
What Is School Like?

School is like a prison
We can't leave,

School is like an island


I’m a weed on
A cliff, I hang out with
An eagle, but maybe the
Flowers are the weeds.

Natural Disasters

When the earth quacks,
and the forest shakes,
the animals run and cower
But when it's all over the earth

I Love You For The Millionth Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Soft fluffy Snow fresh on frozen ground,

Green grass, and newly blue blooming buds bulging from all around,

What Is The Point Of Life

What is the point of life if it is just disappointments?
What is the point of life if we are just going to die?
What is the point of life if we just get divorced?
What is the point of life if we just get in trouble?

Every Day Is A New Day

Every sky’s a brand new sky, uncanny once again,
And every kiss, a brand new kiss, new one, no matter when.
And every love, a brand new love, new cherished every day,
Through lips and heart may slowly age, the awe-struck boy will stay.

I’m Here To Stay

Despite the doubts and troubles, that you have gone through,
There is no doubt about are love.
Though many now change partners when they want to,
You’ve found your one and chosen not to move.

You'Ll Never Know How Much I Love You

My love for you will infinitely grow,
I promise I love you with all my body, heart, and soul.

When I feel your skin, at first touch,

I Didn'T Mean Too

If I had a rose for every sorry,
I'd have picked a whole field.

I'm sorry for all I have put you through,

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