Michelle Sam Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Silly Rap Lyrics

To the Hip, Hop-No let's scratch that cause those days or done, and over
Let me give you something that will make you roll back and forth like rover
Let this beat roll off your mind like an avalanche down a mountain slope
These words will spin you around like Muhammad doing the rope a dope

A Woman's Anthem

You think you got me hooked son, mind, body, and soul
Better think again boy and don't let your hot water run cold
If you can't bring a smile to my beautiful face each and every day
Then you better step off and find your self some other fool to play

He's Always There

When things are rough and you feel lost in this world
There will always be someone on your side when life's a swirl
All you need to do is pray and ask, and then you shall receive
Reach out to God because all you have to do is just believe

Then She

She went to sleep with eyes dark as night,
Blood for tears, and a spirit of fright
A bruised heart where love used to be,
A soul that's beat down, but others couldn't see,

The Spirit Can

As I sit in my lonely room between heaven and hell, and right and wrong
There's a gasp for air as I choke from the smoke of my inabilities
I scream at the injustices surrounding my soul, that's surrounding my center
How can I scream and choke at the same time

Love Of The Rhyme

I love to write my poems with words that have mirror ends in my mind
Words that make your mouth twist in iambic poses of melodies sublime
Carrying echoes of feelings that have traveled a path to a creative kind
Weaving sentences together and burying them softly between the lines

What Would Your Poem Say?

What would your poem say?
Would you write about the things that boggle the mind?
Or would you write about the love of God so divine
Would you write words of encouragement that eases a heart?

Serenity And Peace

I want to caress serenity and peace like the darkness caresses its shadows
I want it to behold all that I am like the clouds caressing the beams of the sun
I want to feel like the stillness of the night at its deepest, darkest hour
I want to feel the quietness of nothing like the emptiness between heart beats

What Missing Puzzle

There may be a puzzle missing to your beautiful mind
But you are perfect just as you are and will always be fine
You bring us joy with the odd things that you do
But of course that's OK, because we'll always love you

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