A Boredom In Life! Poem by Ramesh T A

A Boredom In Life!

Rating: 5.0

Boredom in life nobody can escape sometime or other!
It comes due to endless monotony of work all day long!
It is also due to drudgery of life with no way of escape!
Also, it is due to donkey like working life dry as blanket!

Change is what needed to overcome boredom in life;
That is why excursions and entertainments for relaxation
Many prefer in between long missions of a project work
So as to deal with all odds to achieve laurels in the world!

Out of jealousy too experts’ progress is hampered often
And they are made to drudge to get to their lost position!
They feel fed up with the duty they do under much pressure;
For them relaxation to recover mood is music or long walk!

Dance, drama or cinema also help much to overcome boredom;
But without mental adjustment by prayer or meditation no one
Can fully regain mental poise to do constructive work to gain
Glory of life that can be got by fulfilling the purpose of life here!

Anand Madhukar 18 September 2009

Good thoughts though not very poetic.

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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