~a Poet's Journey... Poem by Besa Dede

~a Poet's Journey...

Rating: 4.6

A long time ago, while I wrote poetry
My hand involuntarily would create grief and pain.
Through all my verses,  through my stanzas,
Wings of solitude had taken place.

So I threw the pen away one day;
I was so very tired of composing sadness.
And started the journey, I the curious poet,
In search of my inspiring lyrical happiness.

I went by the sea and witnessed how the waves,
Surging from the deep, the beach were gently kissing.
I placed their fiery passion in my notebook, with me,
To have it as a paradigm someday in my writings.

I captured the liveliness of the swift, swift wind and,
From the magnificent stars, I got their gold plated light.
The meadows and the mountains bestowed me their dreams.
The children gave me their laughter, sweet and bright.

As I was approaching the green lively garden
Fascinated, admiring the red blown rose buds,
I felt your company bringing me shivers.
Why weren't you present earlier in my life? !

No more did I chase the amber falling leaves
When the golden autumn let them fall down from trees.
For see, you became now my inspiring muse.
My half inner soul, got already fulfilled.

The pen in my hand is now merrily singing,
As I find myself taken in your sweet embrace.
We're peacefully sitting on a rock by the sea.
The sun is setting down, with charm and grace.

Rajendran Muthiah 21 April 2012

You enjoy Nature's abundance, gleam and movement in solitude and give out solacing lines of beauty. You chase not the amber falling leaves in autumn. At sunset, you are sitting on a rock by the sea. You captured the liveliness of the swift wind.Being relieved from grief, you give expression to the gently kissing waves and the bursting rosebuds. The content of the poem is beautiful.

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Besa Dede 26 June 2024

Hi Rajendran, sorry for the late reply : ) Thank you for the gentle review you gave about my poem. I appreciate your time reading it.g it : )

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Danny Draper 01 May 2012

I like the embrace of life with a happy disposition and the gradual increase in positive thought and delight when happiness was reciprocated and the joys of life and nature were better shared.

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Dr Antony Theodore 12 May 2016

I went by the sea and witnessed how the waves, Surging from the deep, the beach were gently kissing. I placed their fiery passion in my notebook, with me, To have it as a paradigm someday in my writings...... so well written..... how a poets mind wanders, sea, waves, autumn leaves, trees, birds singing, peace and joy. grife...... all kinds of thoughts came into my mind as i read your poem...... a very fine poem. thank you dear poet. tony

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Besa Dede 26 June 2024

Indeed, the beauty of nature and it's creations fill a poet's heart with emotions and once we find the right words, we try to share them with the readers. Thank you for the beautiful review, Dr. Antony, highly appreciate it, even though with a few years of lateness : )

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Aman Sa 15 August 2012

it is a gifted flow that you write with...

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Neela Nath Das 22 June 2012

I noticed, in your style of writing there is the touch of famous poet Spenser.I liked it.10+++

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Besa Dede 26 June 2024

Hi Neela, late reply but thank you for your review. To be compared of the great Spencer, is such an honor, fellow poet! I highly appreciate it!

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Rajendran Muthiah 10 June 2012

The waves kissing the shore, the swift winds, the skyhigh mountains, the laughter of your children, the gleaming stars, the red blown rosebuds and so on have lured your heart to be joyful and your muse urges you to write happy lines. What a come back from disappointment and sorrow! The quatrains make smooth flow.

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Walterrean Salley 04 May 2012

Wow. I had to smile while reading this. It was an amazing read. You not only told us about your change, but you've also showed us how your gift of writing was beautifully and powerfully transformed. Thanks.

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