All That Was Needed Poem by Nikhil Parekh

All That Was Needed

To fill in the crevices of fathomlessly barren sky; all that was needed was an unfathomable conglomerate of ravishingly crimson clouds,

To fill in the crevices of the gigantically corrugated mountain; all that was needed was a fragrant concoction of freshly mesmerizing mud,

To fill in the crevices of the baselessly empty hive; all that was needed was a spell binding waterfall of poignantly harmonious honey,

To fill in the crevices of the lackadaisically sultry edifice; all that was needed was a stream of sparklingly harmonious and rich cement,

To fill in the crevices of meaninglessly insidious lies; all that was needed was the Omnipotently flaming Sun of irrefutable truth,

To fill in the crevices of horrifically debilitating weakness; all that was needed was an inferno of timelessly unassailable strength,

To fill in the crevices of the drearily hollow pen; all that was needed was a gloriously sapphire fountain of artistically aristocratic ink,

To fill in the crevices of the disastrously broken friendship; all that was needed was a perpetually unshakable bond of unflinching trust,

To fill in the crevices of traumatically bizarre agony; all that was needed was an unsurpassable river of everlastingly triumphant happiness,

To fill in the crevices of devastatingly gory bloodshed; all that was needed was a boundless sky of unbreakably scintillating unity,

To fill in the crevices of inexplicably miserable disease; all that was needed was the mantra of eternally celestial compassion,

To fill in the crevices of the truculently scorching desert; all that was needed was bountiful droplets of enchantingly sparkling rain,

To fill in the crevices of the forlornly decaying tree; all that was needed was a flirtatiously frolicking horde of innocuously bushy squirrels,

To fill in the crevices of agonizingly bereaved humanity; all that was needed was an invincible entrenchment of beautifully Omniscient togetherness,

To fill in the crevices of abominably abhorrent prejudice; all that was needed was a unendingly silken fabric of symbiotic existence,

To fill in the crevices of the disparagingly blinded eye; all that was needed was a mirror of unequivocally priceless sight,

To fill in the crevices of the haplessly shattered bone; all that was needed was an impregnable fortress of holistically resilient calcium,

To fill in the crevices of the worthlessly deadened nostril; all that was needed was a mystically enlightening forest of Omnipresent breath,

To fill in the crevices of the ominously besieged conscience; all that was needed was an Omnipotently blazing arrow of undefeatable truth,

And to fill in the crevices of the pathetically shattered and broken heart; all that was needed was a limitless reservoir of love; love and only miraculously heavenly love.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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