'An Audience Of Three In One' Poem by Linda Winchell

'An Audience Of Three In One'

Rating: 3.1

We all perform, in front of an audience
it's an audience of, 'Three In One! '
While we go about our little daily skits, unrehearsed
viewed by our Father, the Holy Spirit and His Son.

Their seats are front row center!
They need never, a ticket in their hand!
While they watch, with proud anticipation
their children's performances, across the land.

Even if you are just acting out in your bedrooms!
Or possibly, in the darkness of a room!
Your audience, of three in one my friend
are watching you, reviewing your every word and move!

So please, let's give our best performance, PLEASE!
Your critics, will be writing their reviews, on what they see!
Was it your best performance ever, my friend?
Or were you just seen, acting out a lie
while down upon your knees?

Were the lines you spoke, well rehearsed?
Or deeply, spoken from your heart?
The words crying out, in which you spoke
Were they coming from a place deep, within in your soul?
Of performed confessions, unwritten yoked?

Whatever the case, may be my friend
I have been sent, to let you know.
Your performances are being critiqued!
So make your life's performance, your best of show!

Fay Slimm 19 December 2008

What wise advice you have given here Linda - - and how true that the unseen world is very aware of what goes on in this sphere....... well written Linda - and very best wishes for the coming season..... from Fay.

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Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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