Artists In The Sand Poem by Jim Yerman

Artists In The Sand

When you walk along the shore…as you and nature are reacquainting…you get this sudden feeling you're inside of a painting.

In the early morning hours on a shore pristine, untouched…untainted…you realize the painting you're in…is in the process of being painted.

The artist begins applying colors to the sky that stretches out in front of you…splashes of yellows, reds and oranges against a canvas painted blue.

Each morning, each new painting, is filled with new surprises…as the clouds that dot the sky change their shapes, colors and sizes.

Next the artist stops experimenting with color and begins exploring the use of light and the clouds, only a moment ago filled with color, soften then turn to white.

Your attention is now drawn to the waves…rhythmically washing on to shore…as the artist paints each wave differently than the one painted before.

But perhaps the most beautiful…most subtle bit of artwork…as on the beach you stand
are the tiny little drawings each wave leaves upon the sand.

You watch the waves pour onto shore at a steady, rhythmical speed…and you discover little drawings in the sand as they quietly recede.

If you're lucky to be standing there to view the artwork left behind…you notice each wave has its own artistic style…each drawing its own design.

But you must view them quickly…each wave's drawing's as it's shown…because some will only last an instant…before the next wave draws its own.

There are some spots you discover, however, as you take your walk along the beach where the artwork lasts a little longer…where the tides no longer reach.

Where you can linger for a little while…where you ultimately find…a host of beautiful little drawings the waves have left behind.

And you marvel at how the painting you're in has changed…marvel at what the waves have drawn…knowing if you walk this same path tomorrow…the drawings will be gone.

For that is the nature of nature's artist…how the artwork constantly changes…and why we must enjoy its beauty quickly…before its beauty rearranges.

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