Bad And Good Love! Poem by Ramesh T A

Bad And Good Love!

Rating: 4.1

Love is good;
Love is like sweet;
Even nectar becomes poison
When it is consumed in abundance!

Too much of love spoils all!
Loved ones are spoiled in life
Due to too much love care always!

But lovelessness makes a brute;
Lack of love has made angry men,
Who cannot be tamed by anything else!

Love is sweet;
Love should be shown if necessary;
Love when unnecessary makes bad;
Love is necessary to make all good and sweet!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Prince Obed de la Cruz 07 January 2010

i think i've read this before whether here in poemhunter or in poetfreak. but anyway i'll rate this one 10 after i send this comment. this is a very good piece!

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Sandra Martyres 10 January 2010

A great piece on good and bad love....yes you are right too much of a good thing is good for nothing....but a complete lack of it is not good either...10

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Caleb Crow 12 January 2010

You are correct about love in abundance, to much of anything can make an addict out of you, and there is no worse addiction.

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Alison Cassidy 16 January 2010

This is superb, Ramesh. Truth articulated with style, originality and compassion. My mother loved us strictly, terrified that we might otherwise become 'spoilt brats'. I love an 'angry' man whose mother never cuddled him. This is an insightful poem. Love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Yash Shinde 06 April 2014

....a beautiful message delivered through simplicity............anything in abundance is in abundance spoils you..lovely.......

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Ron Price 03 October 2013

Your poem has a pleasing simplicity. I wish you well in your efforts to tell your story of life.-Ron Price, Tasmania

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Lady Grace 20 May 2010

anything that is too much is bad...the poem expresses facts not fallacy....

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Anita Trivedi 27 April 2010

That's true any thing or any feeling in abundance.......... is not good..... wel writin.........

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C. P. Sharma 20 January 2010

In love you beat In love you shed tears Love sustains life Then why from love fear? CP

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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