Battle Of Mactan 1521 Poem by Noel Horlanda

Battle Of Mactan 1521

Rating: 5.0

Before the break of dawn each side prepared battle plans
in a bright bonfires burnt til’ sunrise,
Strategy drawn on sand not on a piece of paper,
indigenous warriors rallied about the Datu,
loin cloths and colorful headbands as armor,
long blades, bamboo spears, wooden clubs
common weapons of their generation
dependent on brav’ry an’ muscle power
ready to die n’ defense of their island bastion,
pledges nev’r on bended knees, bowed their heads
before strange monarchs and gods.
Battle of Mactan about to begin

Galleon ridin’ bearded enemy, well equipped,
big an’ tall, equally brave n’ shining armor,
under their watchful eye eager to landfall,
confident to defeat nescience Indios
An hour after sunrise, cannon balls rained on shore,
villagers pother here and there, burnin’ flames,
screamin’, seekin’ safety somewhere,
mingled with laughter, curses comin’ from foe
Cloud of arrows, spears, stones showered on deck in reprisal
The Explorer led his army to attack,
aggressors, defenders met midstream
Battle of Mactan had begun!

Fearless stone liked men assembled on rocky shores,
behind thick soot shouts, hollers one could hear,
geared up to exchange steel for steel, blade for blade,
soldiers from nev’r land they didn’t know where,
bloody appendages began to litter on the florid beachwater,
cries of pain, braves nev’r to surrender or retreat
finally both chiefs met, thin n’ thick steel glimmers
under the heat of the solarman,
nerves cracked under super strength
sweat, tears poured over twisting faces,
man to man, chieftain to chieftain
‘til someone dropped dead like a fly

Native arsenals an’ clinched fists quaked in the air,
a victors’ loud wail prevailed over the etiolate seashore,
the seemingly endless fray started to capitulate
when miscreant clamber back to where they were,
outnumbered, outfought, outmaneuvered they claimed
a powerful nation on bended knees, bowed in disbelief
ignoble chieftain looked on the fallen Grandee
only to behead Magallanes, the vanquished
while Lapulapu the champ raised up his kampilan in the air,
yelled the historic words, echoed thru valleys an’ seas,
“Death to the invaders, I bow to no one only to my people.”
At same day foreigners left the bay forlorn,
yet promises to avenge comes glorious mornin’

That day came but the Battle of Mactan is well remembered
APRIL 27,1521

Trade Martin 06 July 2009

Excellent story poem Noel..., I loved it. Keep up the fine work.....! ! ! ! Best regards, Trade.

2 1 Reply
Ency Bearis 08 July 2009

Great and classic narrative poem...the history relive by your write the discovery of Philippines by the group of Magellan and to his defeat by the native Lapu - Lapu...well done....10

1 0 Reply
Lady Grace 08 July 2009

the story on how lapu lapu won the fight, and how magellan discover the a fine poetry, this is nicely penned...grace

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rago rago 08 July 2009

the poem is a classic of itself....... well descriptive and give the battle in clear picture......... see my 10 +.......

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Richard Post 05 July 2009

Very educational. Thanks for the insight

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Meggie Gultiano 14 December 2009

a great narrative and detailed info.You will make a great historian..

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Nooruddeen Mm 03 October 2009

You have described the battle in a poetic manner Good write Rgds Nooruddeen

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Catrina Heart 19 July 2009

A stunning poetic narration of history on our country. well done my friend! ! ! 10+++

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Naseer Ahmed Nasir 12 July 2009

History and poetry are well adjoined and versified........10. Regards Naseer

1 1 Reply
Shashendra Amalshan 12 July 2009

this is an exhilarating piece indeed.. i enjoyed this battle very much! ! ! very visual and felt like a scene from a movie! ! ! 10 with love shan

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Noel Horlanda

Noel Horlanda

Bohol, Philippines
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