Cartoon Caricature Of The Master Race Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Cartoon Caricature Of The Master Race

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Goose stepping Aryan Gods
blond hair blue eyes
master race inspires on parade

according to Nazi ideology
Hitler's ideal 'Germanic type'
has fair hair clear blue eyes

is slim and tall does not smoke
does not drink to excess does
not indulge in substance abuse

is chaste without any trace of
unwholesome sexual desires
no homosexuality nor sadism

Detected any note of Hypocrisy yet?

Reichsfuhrur Heinrich Himmler
promotes illegitimacy by establishing
a State-registered human stud farm

Lebensborn unmarried mothers
pregnant by SS men received
superior state maternity care

majority of mare mothers were
unmarried 57.6 percent in
1939 about 70 percent by 1940

creating elite race of 'supermen'
means breeding selecting bloodstock
for Master Superior Aryan Race

Himmler's procreation order of
28 October 1939 to the entire SS
declared it was the sublime task

of all German women and girls
of good Germanic blood
in profound moral seriousness

to become mothers to the children
of SS soldiers setting off to battle
to be mothers to Aryan Master Race

Detected any serious Hypocrisy yet?

Goose stepping Aryan Gods
blond hair blue eyes
master race inspires on parade

one wonders who would be worthy
leaders of such genetically superior
god like demigods supreme warriors

Many of Hitler’s closest followers
were notorious for fetishes rampant
acts of homosexuality and sadism

to repeat a famous joke
that circulated in Nazi Germany
the ideal Germanic type

was 'as slender and healthy as Goering
[a notorious, very fat heroine addict],
as tall and fit as Himmler, [a short runt

and nerd] as chaste as Goebbels [an adulterer]
and as blond as Hitler'[dark hair brown eyes]

So much for Aryan God leaders of the Master Race!

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
See also The Holocaust Files!

Stefanie Fontker 15 October 2011

This one, I love. Pure intelligence, I say. The expression of wit and truth are amazing here. What idiots the Nazis were, to be so afraid of the beautiful differences in human kind.

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Pranab K Chakraborty 21 May 2010

The hatredness burns the time past to hate the present time where dillema of nazi-favoured-choice yet peeping through the state-heads in disguise of other social philosophies. Good satire for picturising a dominant perversion of modern rulers in levels. Yes, names are different but tenacity is the same. Sometimes it gets the chance to be naked, sometimes by applying forces to suppress the voice of commons, but mood and mentality is like the Fuherer, the Aryan God who has appeared to melt and mould the globe under one and only flag. Well-written hate and satire in poetical form of beauty. Thanks and regards 10++++ pranab

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