Cracking Frost Glides Poem by Peter S. Quinn

Cracking Frost Glides

There is no time for another song
For winter rides now blistering high
Sweet summer tunes we need and long
While hours are dark and dull the sky
Each day we’ll wait the colors gone
From spring, the summer and autumn
From rising blue and the reddish dawn
We bide those moments desideratum

This ice cold time in a consolation
Its brittle things in the winter strides
Restrict each freedom and creation
In dark corners cracking frost glides
We’re in a mood of cold and dark
With the hours quite slowly moving
We need the songs of a summer lark
Before again we will start improving

We’ll keep ways in search of spring
To find our rejoice again once more
We have a heart which then will sing
Quite free from glum and grayish lore
At celebration with new born things
When earth is full of growing green
All our ways into new heartstrings
Come like nothing has been between

(This is from an unnamed musical in progress. The author does much music) .


I also want to thank, deeply, everybody whom have taken their time and effort
to write to me directly, regarding these lyrics/poems, and other poems as well.
I write to you here, as you are so many, and I want to thank personally each
and every one of you very much – from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!
Thousand times over!

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