Created Earth Reshaped Cast Down Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Created Earth Reshaped Cast Down

Rating: 5.0

When our Lord God smiles
the whole universe shines,
it is only the earth in shadow
eclipsed denied a radiant golden sun,
denied blessing of vibrant illuminating sunlight
denied blessing of healing rapture in sunbeams,

it is only the earth in shadow
the earth is cast down in suffering
the earth is cast down in sorrow
the earth is cast down in insanity
the earth is cast down in rampant sin
the earth is cast down in humiliation shame

the earth is choked with a cast down sentenced Satan
the earth is choked with millions of demon victims slain
the earth is choked with injustice corruption evil sinners

God’s rebellious enemies tempt subvert
all earthly governments political systems
all religions through ensnared stray sheep

When our Divine Lord God smiles,
entire expansive created universe shines,
it is just the earth still bound in slavery,
eclipsed still denied her coming saviour,
denied still blessing of Divine Sovereignty,
denied still salvation blessing of Holy Spirit.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Kial Whitmire 22 April 2010

That makes for an amazing read! This poem made my day.

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