Death Comes To Any Age Poem by Cynthia Buhain-baello

Death Comes To Any Age

There is one story that makes me shudder
And so with care I live each day.
It is about a mother and a daughter
Who went to a mall for the daughter's birthday.

The mother promised the eight year old
For a cellphone as her requested gift,
Excited to call Dad, she was told-
As they crossed a street, her steps were swift.

The daughter had crossed ahead and saw
That her mother was left at the other side
And so the young child she ran back although
The lights had changed on the street so wide.

The lights turned to green and it was a 'go'
As all vehicles started to go running
Cars and trucks speeding traffic flow
Not seeing the small child who was just then crossing.

The truck driver saw her but it was too late
The brakes did not have the time to hold,
The little girl met her untimely fate
As the truck ran over that eight-year-old.

The hysterical mother went into shock
Seeing her child's brains on the pavement,
In utter grief nearly had an attack
Screamed in tears all her anguished lament.

The lesson here Death teaches us all
One may be eighty or be eight-year-old
But when He chooses to give us a call
With Him, there's no young and there's no old.

This is a true story that happened in our city in front of a big mall. February 3,2010 Philippines

Copyright Cynthia Buhain-Baello

Cynthia Buhain-baello

Cynthia Buhain-baello

Manila, Philippines
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