# Every Moment...Is That Moment Poem by Samanyan Lakshminarayanan

# Every Moment...Is That Moment

Rating: 2.9

when Lord Krishna
had to convince Arjuna
in Mahabaratha
to fight evil there
we were not there...there

when Lord Christ was nailed...and
had to beg his father
to pardon...the doers
'for they know not what they are doing''
we were not there...there

we are here
very much here...NOW

the impact...of NOW
has not hit us at all

every moment..NOW
is that moment
when all that happened


Indira Renganathan 14 March 2010

every moment..NOW is that moment when all that happened WHAT IS HERE AND NOW... Very good....every moment everyone is pondering on that of this now here or there or somewhere in the world...perhaps the Lord is awaiting a still more severe havoc of a climax...or by our fortune He is on His way here....very good piece of work

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Joseph Poewhit 14 March 2010

Jesus spoken in the Bible of his second coming. Returning to Mt. Olive. Read Matt: 24 [not a case of beer] in the Bible. I watch, pray, and wait. [ That is one big long long name ]

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Siddharth Singh 17 March 2010

Every moment is the moment when all that happened... Every individual is in a constant state of happenings, when all of it is happening around him/her.

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Rajaram Ramachandran 17 March 2010

Truth always wins and will remain everlasting.

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Ravi A 04 April 2010

Well done Samanyan! Your reflection is good. We can't really blame anybody for this inaction for obvious reasons. Basically, we are afraid of our level of security while indulging in fighting out evils. Mentally we may have to overcome stress and many threats. Can we do this? Physically, we may have to safeguard from even bullets. Can we do this? Everybody has a definition for his boundary of indulgance in this regard. We can't compel the world to raise to our levels. They may have their arguments. Another point is - my definition of evil is not your definition of evil. The world can have different views regarding the same situation. So, standardisation becomes an imposibility. For example, see our political scenerio. The Centre blames the state. The state blames the Centre. My party finds fault with your party. Your party abuses my party. Who is right and wrong? My definition is my truth. This is the ultimate truth. Even otherwise, Hitlers will be shot one day. We may have to wait a life time for it.

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Mamta Agarwal 01 April 2010

very profound; life is here and now, learn from past and shake it off. 10 Mamta

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Sandra Fowler 26 March 2010

Very profound. We are indeed captured in this moment. For us there may be no other. Excellent work.10/10. Warm regards, Sandra

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Sathyanarayana M V S 24 March 2010

Superb. Hard hitting! !

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Kesav Easwaran 23 March 2010

Be it the times of Krishna or Jesus or times any, the good and the evil would be there all through out. God men appear whenever there is a need for infusing strength and faith in confused human minds Good write

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