Evil Will Sleep Poem by Melvina Germain

Evil Will Sleep

Now we come across turbid wave where man became human animals worshipping hell bound darkness of self made graves.

Bombastic voices echo o’re all the world flinging threats, sling shots
no decent personsave deserves. We pray, O we pray for men, women, boys and girls, them from the monstrous demons the enemy serves.

Young stings of evil separating good from bad, tossing out woes like rockets penetrating souls who foster pain from the wicked and the mad.

Adverse heats a God fearing man can tell as he dips his head to the poison coming forth the well.

Ten thousand souls ruined in a day, spiritual buses fill and drive far, far away. From off the faces tumultuous hate, afraid to stand before St. Peter’s gate.

Women hung their dresses and skirts for a time, joining the sides of men in the front line. Held back births, no offspring shall a womb bear, for the promise of a better future one must prepare.

Happy be the man who travels in celestial sky, free where no evil can bestow itself on high. A transformation of the new must soon begin and the whispering winds will soon call upon thee again.

Let an invisible wall ride long the battlefield, old ghosts of soldiers uprose to shield... Power of good soon revealed.

Weeping eyes on fearful faces bow, whilst the shock grew long among all men and women wondering how.

We gaze upon the lofty genius of good men who turns thee not on the higher hand. The raging fire burning red so deep, laid the needled bed where evil violently fell to sleep. Melvina Germain.....

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: darkness
Kelly Kurt 17 November 2015

My dear friend, Melvina. Evil is the fundamental being of humanity. Some see this and make a difference. Most relegate it to some archaic religious belief, yet still DO nothing. Until we can love as an intrinsic nature of our being without invoking some myth, we will suffer and suffer. As a father, this makes me more sad than anything else. I love you, I love members of ISIS, I love everyone! ! I may not have any solution, but I hope I am not part of the problem.

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Melvina Germain 17 November 2015

I believe it, evil will sleep one day...You have lots of love in you we only need more like you and we'll be on our way to peace and evil will sleep...thank you for your comment, always appreciated.....

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Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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