Existence Of God Poem by PREMKUMAR C N

Existence Of God

Rating: 5.0

Whether there is a god or not
The debate goes on
Some say there is a god
To some, there is no god
God is only a fiction
For some, it is a different god
To some not a single god
But many gods
The controversy goes on
For centuries and histories
Filled with bloodsheds
And massacres
Due to the debate
Whether there is a god or not
Or this god or that god
So, what to do in this debate
Whether there is a god or not
Just wait till they find out
The exact answer
For the existence of god
Till then wait and watch
The drama called
The existence of god

Existence Of God
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: god,existence
A liberated mind can keep away from the debate on the existence of god.
Unnikrishnan E S 10 January 2022

Great poem. Beautifully expressed, the most contentious issue. Good. Top score

17 0 Reply
David Wood 09 January 2022

Today money is worshiped as any god.

14 0 Reply
Dr Dillip K Swain 05 December 2022

You might have heard about God particle. Do you know what is that? A man of physics can tell you correctly about the existence of God. An excellent poem dear poet.

2 0 Reply
Rob Lamberton 05 December 2022

What if it is God who gives us liberty and freedom to express it…indeed for the liberated mind there is no debate at all. Thank you for your words…till then we wait and watch.

2 0 Reply
Dr. Richard John 11 July 2022

What a brilliant poem! This is a modern classic poem with deep psychological facts. Truth in its purest form. Amazingly simple but philosophically profound poem.

16 0 Reply
Dorothy Michael 28 July 2022

Exactly The poem is a modern classic. True analysis of the human mind..

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Douglas Mark 23 July 2022

An analytical poem on the psychology of human mind. No other species think about god or devil. Thus the debate is baseless in its truest form. I appreciate the equidistant approach of the poet which is very essential in this modern fanatic world.

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Benjamin Hudson 19 July 2022

Correct opinion. Only a poet with strong analytical capability can create such superb poem. Wisdom and truth combined. The liberated, detached attitude of the poet is much praiseworthy.

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Nabakishore Dash 10 January 2022

Debate went on, goes on and will go on.It is question of personal faith.nice lines.

12 0 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 10 January 2022

Let the agnostics, their vision ruined their life. The Holy Bible, The Kur'an, The Torah and all others ancient papers, all are true occurrences, BUT it does not bother me IF they are illiterate, not their fault. Thank you for sharing this humouristic poem. Worth reading.

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