Face Of Jackal God Mubarak Gnaws Egyptian Bone Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Face Of Jackal God Mubarak Gnaws Egyptian Bone

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Behold face of jackal god hosni
as orders sly chaos across sands
burn new mall order camel charge
Tahrir Square blow up oil pipeline

hear senile whisper there will be chaos
in Saddamish Hitlerish destruction order
I jackal order... survived assassination
dark secret police secrets let me rule more.

Hell no I won’t go I’m alias Soviet Union trained
in air force I US $40 billion to $70 billion gained.
My solution to opposition nuke it seek and destroy
I resurrected Soviet one party state Egypt is my toy.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Mubarak trained in the Soviet Union, attending a Soviet pilot training school in Moscow and another at Kant Air Base, near Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan (then a Soviet republic) from February 1959 to June 1961. Mubarak then trained on the Soviet Ilyushin Il-28 and Tupolev Tu-16 jet bombers. In1964 Mubarak entered the prestigious Frunze Military Academy in Moscow, which offered chairs in operational-tactical disciplines, Marxism-Leninism, history of the CPSU and Party-political work etc. Muhammad Anwar El Sadat, the previous Egyptian President had re-instituting the multi-party system and launched the Infitah reforms, which included economic reforms heavily influenced by the free-market philosophy.

Shoshana Green 05 February 2011

Forceful and informative. Thanks for posting!

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