Falling From Grace Poem by Paula Glynn

Falling From Grace

I lie on my bed, reading your letters,
The letters that I treasured so much.
That holiday in France had meant so much,
Yet if it hadn't been for your touch...
I carefully fold away the letters you wrote,
Teardrops smudging the paper:
Why did she take you from me?

I'd thought we'd be together forever,
But that wasn't to be,
Yet my heart wants us to be together,
This is the truth I now know keeps me locked away,
When my heart knows we were meant to be,
Like spring water my love for you pours,
Because your love is all I asked for.

I write you a letter from my heart,
I writing about our once love,
I never wanted us to part,
I dream at night of flying high above,
Like some spirit released from a hellish place,
Searching for a home where love can be found,
And I tell myself about all our precious moments,
How I treasure them still,
And always will.

I shall fill this void,
Our love you shan't ignore,
Me you won't avoid,
For my love for you is so deep,
That this letter I send to you,
Is written without a single lie,
These emotions have taken over me,
And I need you to set this love free.

Afzal Shauq 13 July 2010

I shall fill this void, Our love you shan't ignore, Me you won't avoid, For my love for you is so deep, That this letter I send to you, Is written without a single lie, These emotions have taken over me, And I need you to set this love free a loveely write with rich idea and meaningful theme..loved it

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Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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