Happy Endings...I Dont Know..Maybe..? Poem by cari anne

Happy Endings...I Dont Know..Maybe..?

Rating: 5.0

One smile and my heart explodes like fireworks.
I feel more alive than ever when you look at me that way.
I can very nearly taste the passion brewing inside of me.
I can hear the drumming of my heart,
And i see the light from within shine out,
Just as i feel you open up your nervous heart.
Dear, to be honest, when we met in that quiet little cafe,
I was a bit uneven of the feelings deep inside.
But i said hi nad you smiled hey.
Yet i couldn't help hearing my dads voice in my head saying-
'remember love is slow poison.'
Some say 'if you fall, you will get hurt.'
And others, 'if you love, then you die.'
But the crazy truth about love is that it's impossible to deny.
No matter how many times you try to run from it or hide.
And i felt as if...not only was i living it...
but watching myself fall from the sidelines as well.
Marie, was falling fast...and uncontrollably.
She hoped it would be as pure as the color of her dress as she walked down the aisle someday,
But what if it were as dark and scary as the color of his tux?
She had a sick feeling in her excited heart,
She knew she was in love, but in love with what?
Est-ce ses yeux ou son sourire?
the bouquet in her hands tells her 'everyone gets nervous, it's okay.'
So she starts violently crying
But heads forth to the alter...
Because this is her dream.
To say i do and be his for as long as eternity seems.

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Jazib Kamalvi 10 August 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, Cari anne. Read my poem, Love and. Thanks

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