Health Is Wealth Poem by Kavya .

Health Is Wealth

Hale and Hearty was he
Always busy like a bee
Envy were people who used to see
As he used to work with absolute glee.

Handle all task with compassion
Do every work with a passion
''Accuracy' was his fashion
The main reason for people's attraction.

But happy energetic days did not last for him too
He was struck with sickness and flu
He turned frail in a day or two
Where and how he was nobody had any clue.

'Health is Wealth' he soon realized
Anything overdone will soon be penalized
His body was so stressed inside
That with illness he was being victimized.

This is a lesson for all of us
Who overdo and stress ourselves from dawn to dusk
Not realizing we will pay for this in the long run thus
And make our healthy and beautiful life a mess!

Monday, June 1, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
a message to ponder upon with a tinge of humour
Kumarmani Mahakul 11 June 2015

This is a lesson for all of us Who overdo and stress ourselves from dawn to dusk Not realizing we will pay for this in the long run thus And make our healthy and beautiful life a mess! .......Really, over duties lead a person to mental tress which reduce physical health. Very nicely envisioned. A didactic poem I like most.Many thanks respected madam.

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Valsa George 01 June 2015

When we overdo things ignoring our health, such things can happen! Usually mothers ignore their health and spare no quality time for themselves in their over enthusiasm to run the household perfect! But if we ignore our health and fall sick, we become a burden not only to ourselves but to others also! Great lesson Kavya!

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Kavya . 02 June 2015

Thank you Mam..something i self experienced, hence penned down.

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