I Am Complete! Poem by Dave Tendell

I Am Complete!

J ust as I began to crumble and give up.
E ternal light is in my infinite future.
S ins forgiven for I have been born once again.
U seless like an old worn out shoe I am no more.
S aved at last from a horrible fate by God’s grace.

I t is wonderful! How he unconditionally loves.
S o forgiving.

M y soul is ultimately his.
Y esterday lost in total darkness and today found in the brightest of light.

S o inspiring.
A mongst the sinners he lived.
V iolently beaten.
I nspired by God.
O h…the torture he must have endured on that hard wooden cross, to be…
R esurrected into the Kingdom of Heaven

C autiously I doubted.
A sking questions
N ever knowing for sure of his existence.

Y es I did finally come to my senses.
O h…I never doubt now.
U ltimately I am happy.

S erving God each day.
A t last, I am complete.
Y et I am saddened.

T o see others who are not saved.
H e did it for us.
E ternal life is there for the asking.

S ins are Satan’s strength.
A lmighty God…forgives sins.
M elting Satan’s hold.
E ternal life for those that believe.

Dave Tendell - Louisville, KY.

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