I Climb Trees At Night Poem by Maria Mitea

I Climb Trees At Night

Rating: 5.0

I climb trees at night
with my hands,
my soul,
with my lips,
and I pick the green leaves one by one,
one by one,
my hands become so small,
or, suddenly
they grow so big,
and so long
that I can't see them,
or I see them too well,
or, I feel them picking the little green leaves
and putting them in a sac that is attached to my body,
my shoulders,
holding tight
until I climb soft branches,
or I reach trees with big heavy branches,
where I stop and eat gem,
sweet gem
made from little leaves,
like a baby, I cover my head with leaves,
I dance in green leaves,
and I jump in yellow leaves that ones were green leaves,
I am an old man that holds a green leaf în between his tongue and thees and sings from a Greenleaf,

I climb trees at night
as if I am swimming up in the sun rays,
I see little leaves with the little names written on them,

I climb trees at night
and it is in that night I wake up with no pain,
No tears, No regrets, No resentments,
In that night I wake up with a smile on my face,
like a newborn that climbs trees at night,

I never stopped climbing trees at night,
but last night I was climbing on Everest,

Rob Lamberton 25 February 2024

I like to explore during the day so I can see the mountains and valleys, leaves and flowers in my garden!

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Varsha M 29 January 2021

A good metaphorical poem. Climb the Everest this time and hoist your flags.

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me poet yeps poet 29 January 2021

hope ur well ms poetess

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