I Saw Alabelle Working Out At The Gym Poem by Hebert Logerie

I Saw Alabelle Working Out At The Gym

Rating: 5.0

I saw Alabelle working out at the gymnasium
She was so ravishing and gorgeous
(Neither black nor white and beauteous)
She sucked the air out of me, like helium
Which defied gravity; I was on top of the rainbow
Alabelle was strong, working with heavy pounds
She took a few glances at me, I felt like an arrow
Went across my heart, like a laser beam making rounds
Alabelle was so cool that no man dared saying hello to her
Most women, when they are so pretty, are either
Lonely or alone. I imagine that twenty years from today
Many men will still be afraid to be near her, because on the thruway
She literally stopped all traffics. In twenty more years, she'll be ignored
Or disregarded like a rotten child who got bored
And got caught misbehaving in the theatre. I saw beautiful Alabelle
And no man at the gym had enough guts to say hello to her
Alabelle was a heavy lifter; she behave like a fighting rebel
She worked hard to eventually look and feel better
(Nobody is no longer satisfied with the gift received at birth)
People want more. It's a shame that soon or later they'll meet death
Alabelle is as astonishing as a rainbow, people are simply in awe
At her presence. Nobody dares or desires to break the law
In this day and age for being friendly or extroverted
In spite of her beauty and stamina, Alabelle will remain segregated.

Copyright © April 2019, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Saturday, April 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,shape
Kumarmani Mahakul 27 April 2019

Alabelle working out at the gymnasium she had maintained her health. In spite of her beauty and stamina, Alabelle will remain segregated. This poem is brilliantly penned. An excellent sharing is done...10

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