If The Shoe Fits Man Will Then Try To Silence The Tongue Poem by Ted Sheridan

If The Shoe Fits Man Will Then Try To Silence The Tongue

Rating: 5.0

God knew when he created man
Men would always disagree
That eventually given enough time
Man would develop certain art forms
Like those of cave painting and politics
Man did not disappoint God with his limitations
As God gave man dominion over the other animals
But not over other men__
God is not the sociopath…
Man is…

2007 © T Sheridan


Man the poetry man is sociopath and the woman who abets him in his evil agenda of hate for a poor colored down trodden man is nothing but a Psychopath.. I have bycotted the poemhunter forum, once it is disbanded and a new composite culture is introduced and a process of multi racial unifying healing is introduced I shall never enter its darkk doors of Hate. The present moderator should hand in papers as I write this.. She or he is Pro White biased..as my case shows.. and there should be only poetry poetics, as pusued by sherrie, david hazell and goldy loccks and other poetry loving poets, no recipes, or making it a common mans kitchen.. that the food served is bilious and barmecidal..makes you throw up worse /// Thank you Ted Trade Martin Howlin and other good white folks Love Poetry Hate Racism shall be my battle cry..

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