If They Broke In Poem by Randy McClave

If They Broke In

If someone broke into your house
Would you be as timid as a mouse,
Would you uncaringly let them all in
So, that they could commit damage and sin.
Would you be in fear of your life
If you saw them carrying a bar, a bat and an extinguisher and a knife,
Would you allow them to loot and then destroy
As is their intention and their utter ploy.
Would you allow them to steal anything from you
And let them do whatever they wanted to do,
And what if you heard that they wanted to hang someone
Would you allow the rampage to continue on.
If you had a gun would you aim and shoot
Or would you just allow the violence and them to loot,
Then what if the police arrived and had them arrested
What verdict for them would you have suggested.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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