If You Are A Christian That Does Sincerely Follow God: Look Out! Poem by Gert Strydom

If You Are A Christian That Does Sincerely Follow God: Look Out!

"You must realise, however, that in the last days
difficult times will come. People will be lovers
of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant,
abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful,
unholy, unfeeling, uncooperative, slanderous,
degenerate, brutal, hateful of what is good,
traitors, reckless, conceited and lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God. They will hold an outward form
of godliness but deny its power. Stay away from such people."
2 Timothy 3: 1-5

If you are a Christian that does sincerely follow God: Look Out!
You are being termed by the democrats as the new boogie-man.

The Socialistic / communistic democrats do not hold to:
that God did create all people to be equal
with rights that cannot be alienated,

as this do not fit into their distorted world
and into identity politics or racial groups
or sexual identities as LGBTQ+,

they are opposed to the constitution
where it does guarantee a democratic country
and as soon as you oppose them

you are either seen as a racist,
without any race been discriminated against,
or as being against democracy where they do try to destroy it,

where socialism is totally opposed to capitalism
and a true devoted Christian
that live by Christian values is seen as:

a fundamentalist: as a religious oriented terrorist
where many scholars see Christians
in terms as being fundamentalists

and to them it is factor behind violence,
where it is much more clear that the socialist / liberalist people
are those that do cancel and attack people,

and do not stick to the issues being argued
where the left wing BLM
does burn down and kill.

Anyone that do hold to literal interpretation of scripture
and is a Christian
is seen as a Christian Fundamentalist.

These people go further than this
and define any Christian
that believes in:

Biblical inerrancy,
the divine nature of Jesus,
His virgin birth,
the resurrection of Jesus
and His coming advent

as a Christian fundamentalists
and the other term that they now use for this
is Christian Nationalistic Fundamentalist

as in the magazine Politico against the politician Mastriano
they say the Pennsylvania candidate
are freaking out both the left and right

where the right does not freak out about him
but Politico does freak out about him being:
a cult guy,

where being a Christian means that you
do belong to a cult,

where journalists in Pennsylvania
and elsewhere
define this as Christian Nationalist

by a world-view shaped by
Christian messaging
and American identity

On 4 June 2022 Sarah Jones writes
in New York magazine:

"White Christian nationalism
is a fundamental threat to democracy."

These Democrat people love identity politics
and racialism:
they react as if there is no Indian, Chinese,
Japanese, Hispanic or Black Christians

where the emphasis for them is on being Christian
and this whole thing comes from Rowe versus Wade,
comes from abortion,

where these LGBTQ+ socialists
have already disrupted church services
along with the people that want abortion

where it is like:
keep your Bible off my body
or off my uterus

On MSDNC on their Twitter account
it says that the USA is under siege
from Christian traditionalists and fundamentalists.

There is a zoom post where a Texas activist says:
"If you follow me on Twitter or on Facebook,
I tend to sign off the post

against Christian nationalism with:
see it, name it, and fight it.
I mean that's honestly what we have to do

and there are too many folks that see it
don't really want to rock the boat,
they do not want to bring it up.

We got get past it,
it's the only way to address it:
so see it, name it fight it"

and in all of this I wonder about
the constitution with:
Freedom of religion.

Look out where liberalism / socialism / fascism / communism
is being repeated in history again
where any totalitarian regime does suit them

and they want greater and total state control
as they believe in big government like a religion
and the democrats want another revolution.

"Christian fundamentalist and traditionalists
is the greatest threat to democracy, "
says the democrat party in America

where these godless people want to rule the world,
where they have no regard for freedom of religion,
where this fundamentalism is seen as anyone

following Jesus Christ or whatever religion
you do really hold to and then to them
your are a threat and a terrorist

and they have defined a fundamentalist as a kind of terrorist,
where this do pertains to any person that do
hold Holy Scripture as to be valid and live by it.

Freedom of Speech is being trampled by them
where they do ban people and what they say
and do sensor to twist whatever appears

to the distortion of how they want it to be.
The absolute truth: how things really are,
they do not want to spread,
if it is not how they want it,

they will silence and try to cancel you,
if you do stick to it and it does not suit
the way that they want things to be.

It is to them either a threat to democracy or racism
while the democrats do not hold to the constitution
and they say: to see it, name and fight it.

[Poet's notes: LGBTQ+ is sexual identification to identities of which hetro-sexual is not a part. BLM indicates the Black Lives Matter movement.]

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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