In Limited Quantity Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

In Limited Quantity

Not taking the opportunity or the initiative,
To effectively place one's footsteps...
In a direction that reflects,
A keeping of one's identity in perspective...
Or a dignity kept,
With a casting of a shadow.
And not being shallow to follow,
Or hide behind others perceiving themselves...
The 'Keepers Of Requests',
Awaiting to listen...
Who amongst the voices heard,
Deserves permission to be given...
An acceptance of it.
Will always leave those believing,
If they stayed and prayed...
On scraped and wounded bended knees,
For wishes delivered and dreams received,
From those perceiving them to be beggars.
Beggars seeking leftovers and crumbs until it's done,
To quiet and appease their pleading.
Regardless if what is tossed,
Will always be in limited quantity.

'Maybe we should get off our knees andn use faith.'

~And what will that prove?
We are not grateful?
We have been taught to remain humble.~

'Oh yeah?
Well I'll tell you this...
If I am here to obey and follow 'Anybody's WILL,
It is with 'faith' those obstacles 'will' be removed from my path.'

~That's 'blasphemous'.~

'Who told you that?
The 'Keeper Of The Crumbs'?
While they feast on the abundance?
And it excites you whenever,
It is decided the time comes to toss you crumbs.
Crumbs they want you to believe with it done,
That are dwindling in limited

Sunday, December 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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