Innocent Perfection Of Vibes Across The Telephone Line Poem by Louis Borgo

Innocent Perfection Of Vibes Across The Telephone Line

Innocent Perfection Of Vibes Across The Telephone Line

A stranger call’s familiar voice familiar tone
How do I amend for such a tone?
Sinecure as a ghost to father past question remain have we met before?
So the question that I a post do you believe, in coincidence or do you belief in fate
So I decide to chat with her a minute to find out what her truth agenda was-

As we would speak more and more we would start and finish one another sentence’s
And time with in time we would speak of the exact words in between sentences, a rare a currency
Solomon tears do applied to form but I what it to pause and ask her, sure
You don’t have the wrong number what a coincidence that I was nineteen all on my on, and
As I beginning to fall to sleep the telephone had begun to ring. Maybe it was fate
As when I did decide to get a phone to get long distance as well, it looking in deeper.
Only a fool would be dumb
Found it to
Hang up on such a soothing tone. As she kept the conversation with in an hour about her son that got
Injury in
College sports that happen to be part Cherokee same as me
All I kept thinking is when did I register to vote?
Soul channeling bed chancing we seem to be on a different plane,
Maybe it’s me or maybe it is us if god put us together surely the heaven would rumple,
A vibe this strong could surely deceive the devil, (hat trick)
Ghost handle of a ring barrel of a magnificent figure of mist of sure air of breeze seen such vibes across

Telephone line chills ran up and down my body standing strain hair up to freeze saying to myself what a
Wonderful innocent of perfection to make an acquaintance still hook on the fact it was coincidence as
Apologize for speaking so long and thank me for being a great listener-

Two and half years later time well spend in the hood that felt more like prison and trust me I’m from the
Like Ice cream milk and cream please and what I was told if I could make it in That hood
I could make it in any giving hood giving the repetition of
My city –
It may have been fate as the whole project was rebuild spiritually and finance by the state
And I had move into an apartment complex as I was told could go for a
1,000 in upstate; fate or coincidence as this familiar voice would call again but this time different name
And she what it to sell me a product and what me to be partners in a company and water who could
Market water and profit and,
Idea Chesire to believe, but those that did belief proceed and say once again I said to myself when did
I get money all and all six year later I was and looking to relocation the phone rings again instead of
Was this coincidence or fate? First thing came to mind was
“Some One Clue Me In”-
I figure out whom this Anonymous person was
But when I say who in the world gives gift cards for cable all away from west
Coast to “City That I’m From” saying to myself, is it still a recession? Was this fate?
I had a place to live or did I have a Guardian Angel?
Question after Question Miss and serve me-
Will I ever get pay for my endeavors and read a quote that said “no good deed goes unpunished”
And phone ring once more-
The look in A man’s eyes never lies asking once more
Was This Fate Or Coincidence-
And the last words that came to mind before the college basketball finals game came on was
Captivating and Memorizing-

Friday, April 11, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: crush,first love,friendship
(I reedited this later) This poem took place after high school of 07-08 and I remember reading a article of a celebrity I adorn and comment on how much I like the article two days later I had got a email different person and said she never going to hear about because celebrities so busy. Words cant explain so I just start it writing and writing of my life experience. Well year later and two something of poem written I thought to my self and revisit I was only person that read that article? Who was that then? And I said to my self that will be the last celebrity crush I ever will have. I got on a poetry website I have been write on for years look up and it was promote the NBA Finals and then the spoken word came on for the poem on anyone poem on that site all I can say life is hard to define surely hard to define im in love with love idea of being in love …..6/9/2015….
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