Jesus's Color Poem by Randy McClave

Jesus's Color

If Jesus's color was taught in school,
That he was Middle Eastern and not white
Then maybe less racists and bigots would fight,
Then that fact would be part of God's golden rule.

If in schools and churches we were taught of Jesus's race,
And the shortness of his hair
Maybe at others we wouldn't mock or stare,
And maybe we wouldn't insult a strangers face.

When God had walked upon this Earth,
To survey the world and the life that he had created
Where we all are God's creation and all are related,
Race and color is never our known worth.

If Jesus's color to our children was known,
As was his mother's color as well
Maybe inside of many the thought of racism wouldn't dwell,
And the seeds of bigotry would not be sewn.

If Jesus's color was known by the world and you and me,
Knowing his color was not the same as our skin
Would we know the color of hate when we did sin,
I then wonder, what the devils true color might be.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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