Love Is Love Poem by Akhtar Jawad

Love Is Love

Rating: 5.0

To live as a follower of customs and traditions,
Obeying the enforced taboos of the societies,
One in a seed, an embryo with no revolutions,
It peeps out, finds life has many varieties,

It's grown in a plant and blooms colorful flowers,
Think, who breaths in a seed through a windows,
Sun and the sea raise clouds that end in showers
That soften the clay and prepare it for the shows,

A flower is rich in the seen rainbow colors,
It attracts insects, bumblebees and butterflies,
A flower's soul is the unseen ecstatic odors,
It attracts a heart that smiles and that cries,

Between tears and smiles there are a few islands,
Isolated, no dark no light, love is love only,
I see, joining earth and skies, My Lord stands,
Far Away, for peace, neither beautiful nor ugly!

Rose Marie Juan-austin 07 July 2020

Another great poem from a great Poet. Yes, love is love. Love is everything and it can deliver everything we want and hope for. It fills all the void we feel in life. The last stanza says it all. Onto my Poem List.

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A flower is rich in the seen rainbow colors, It attracts insects, bumblebees and butterflies, A flower's soul is the unseen ecstatic odors, It attracts a heart that smiles and that cries, Wonderful poem..... dear Akhtar Sahab......10

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Kesav Easwaran 06 July 2020

Beautiful poem. Love is the seed of all creations

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