More Than Just A Cabin Poem by Jim Yerman

More Than Just A Cabin

It's just a cabin in the mountains Deborah's parents built over 30 years ago
It's seen its share of spring flowers, summer rains, autumn leaves and winter snows.

As we're about to return to Florida I like to sit for a moment…and recall…what is it I love about this cabin…what's so special about these walls…

I smile…take a deep breath…then right before my eyes
as I look around this cabin…a host of memories float by…

How fast the memories come…how quickly they arrive
of when our children were still children…when Deborah's parents were alive…

The games we played at the table…it really isn't hard
to see our grandchildren playing where our children once played
running up and down the yard…

The hours spent out on our porch…rocking in these rocking chairs…paper airplanes launched from the top deck…beans slingshot into the air..

All the campfires we have gathered around…watching fires roar…
telling stories, roasting marshmallows…building our s'mores.

Friends who visited us while we've been here…people sleeping on the floor…the cabin filled with laughter…all these memories I adore…

I know what it is about this cabin…why it keeps us so enthralled…
It's because of all the memories…we've painted on its walls…

Memories have this wonderful duality…once they've formed within our mind…to travel with us wherever we go…but also to stay behind.

Reminding us this is more than just a cabin…
reminding us no matter how far from here we roam….
our memories will be waiting….
the next time we come back home.

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