Mother Mary Takes Quantitative Steps With Me Poem by Mark Heathcote

Mother Mary Takes Quantitative Steps With Me

Rating: 5.0

I've got to exploit all my mistakes.
Be the best I can be
Mother Mary, I too adore thee.
Mother Mary doesn't chastise or exploit me.
she only smiles at me knowingly,
like she's the portrait of the Mona Lisa,

Mother Mary, I adore thee
you lay me down with foundations stronger
then the roots of any walnut tree
you are the light in the void, the vessel that holds me
like a flower in a crystal lead vase, I do adore thee.
Mother Mary, you have restorative powers over me.

Mother Mary doesn't penalize me?
With her blessings and her grace, I'm as happy as can be
Mother Mary, like a tree surgeon, gently fells me
Let me fall into a forest tranquillity,
in her arms like a lamb, she carries me
returning me to the glade - I always should have been.

Mother Mary takes quantitative steps with me
in a journey through my heart
she takes bold steps furtively in the dark
climb a mountainous path through some rocky scree
where I suckle and grow ever, ever strong,
she restores a sense of family well-being where I belong.

Monday, October 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Savita Tyagi 07 November 2019

So beautiful and serene. Overwhelming comfort is there in devotion and surrender.

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