'My Dear Friend (I Still Love You) ' Poem by J.M Berger

'My Dear Friend (I Still Love You) '

We parted ways
And I try not to think of you much these days
It's no offense
It's just easier that way
I still think very highly of you
And yes, I miss you
Of course I miss you
But what can I do?

Our paths may cross
And they do from time to time
And it's quaint and it's nice but it's not the same
And it makes me wonder if the memory I have of the way things were
Is anything like the way it actually did happen
I was an awkward kid
And I can be cruel sometimes
I guess it's a defense mechanism
And I know I never opened up enough
And when I did, it was too much too late
Well, who knows if good timing would have made a difference
What's done is done
Those are distant days

But like I said, don't think I don't still love you
Platonic love, maybe, but love is love
And though I may never make the effort to let you know
You are gone but not forgotten

I can only hope I've left some similar imprint on you
That I've impacted you in some small way
It'd be enough for me if you thought of me once in a blue moon
And smiled when remembering my face
When all is said and done, I believe that's all any of us want
To have made somebody smile

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