My Son's Christmas Day' Poem by Linda Winchell

My Son's Christmas Day'

Rating: 5.0

Running through the house
with cape and makeshift of swords!
One bent in a curtsy, 'Can I help you my lord? '

Christmas Day morning, with all present's unwrapped
I myself, was again ready, for a long winter nap!

Boys dressed up in capes like Bat Man or knights?
playing their games, and pretend bad guy type fights!

Toys of all sorts, strewn all over the floor!
then as I was settling in, came a, shock knock at the door!

Was the cousins and Aunts and Uncles with bags
Oh my gosh I'd forgotten, and I was still in my, P.J. of rags!

This day was not over, in fact it seemed just begun!
all of the cousins and boys were still playing, all having such fun!

House a disaster, and me too for that matter!
We had eaten all the food, not a crumb, was left on the platters!

Soon came the silence, not a peep could be heard
the children all sleeping, with the cat as it purred!

My Son's Christmas Day, seems like it was, just yesterday
that they were all running and laughing, in their Christmas Day
dress up at play.

Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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