Natural Social Justice! Poem by Ramesh T A

Natural Social Justice!

Reservation of seats in education and job for the under privileged
Has not solved the main problems like hunger and poverty anywhere;
Hunger and poverty are still there in under developed, developing
And developed countries of the world from North to South of globe!

Fixing quota for each and every category of people is not ever
Looking to have social justice all are talking endlessly sure;
Social justice can be achieved by doing duties according to one's
Nature and not according to one's allotment of quota in jobs ever!

Allotment of quota to each is only a technique to divide and rule
People as the politicians wish, for, in Nature itself no one has
Fixed duties to do so, but all function according to one's nature
Starting from Sun, Moon to all insects, animals, birds and fish!

That is how ecological balance is maintained in Nature and that is
Natural Justice each has to know and follow to establish Justice!

Paul Brookes 09 January 2019

Often the reasons for inequality is mans inbuilt selfishness the selfish gene if you like. Enjoyed this philosophical poem

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Ramesh T A 09 January 2019

Thanks a lot for your understanding of my philosophic poem on Justice and for your nice comment, my friend!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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