Neglected Beauty Poem by Bella Ravenstar

Neglected Beauty

Oh how enchanting
How thou art
I see thee
I see thee
So fair so white
So kind so genteel
Such grace such poise
A delicate rose
A beauty so intoxicating to mine eyes
So pure so innocent
Thou sings like an angel
Thy charms are inviting
Thou are a swan of lovely
O' beauty, O' beauty
Thou are a diamond in the coals
A rare treasure stowed
But I weep
For thou was a neglected rose
Tanuted by ghosts of pain
Shunned by lovers
A heart that broke
A beauty not looked until this
Oh your suffers aile you nor more!
Come, come
Soother of your aching soul am I
Do not sway.....
Thy tourmentors of wicked shall pay!
Starving hours of lonesome end
Dead hopes shall live again
Shattered dreams will become anew
Thy kind deeds will be payed
Thy starve of thy soul conclude
Broken no longer shall you be
Only if you promise me
Swan of enchantment
They dark days hath fled
I love thee my beauty
Awake unto me
Surrender shall I to the now
Thou hast trapped me by the charms
Thou art wise, but I a fool!
No more neglected, but adored
Elated I am for thou has taken my hand....
Forevermore, forevermore.....
Thy soulhast been soothed
Prepare for endless bliss
A token of this
A splendid kiss
Eternity of love
I have spared thee from thy misfortune
My treasured rose
My promose made
Never again you shall return
But ever and ever
I will love thee by thy side
Hand and hand love shall always abide

Marvin Brato 29 April 2008

Its a joy to read this romantic poem, high marks!

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Bella Ravenstar

Bella Ravenstar

Southern California
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