Only Love Is The Same Ever In Heart, Mind And Soul Sure! Poem by Ramesh T A

Only Love Is The Same Ever In Heart, Mind And Soul Sure!

Love life is the dram of many to live being brought up in love;
Knowledge of truth and love makes one have no fear to think,
Speak and do deeds in the world to live a life one wishes ever;
Lovers of this kind only are truly qualified to love and win!

But dream of love never leaves one free as each one is born so;
Nothing will be interesting in life if all are got sans struggle;
Love is a most testing one in one's life as it is a lasting one,
If one commits oneself to live life so against all odds in world!

All difficulties, hardships and chaos become nothing if once
One decides to embrace love and live a life of adventure sure;
For, love and truth are the eternal ones like the spirit that's
FReal and all things are illusion only as they are not permanent!

Of all virtues in world life, love only can be steadily the same
Ever not only in heart and mind but also in spirit in life sure!

Only Love Is The Same Ever In Heart, Mind And Soul Sure!
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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