Opportunism Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)


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opportunistic review case specific
an unprincipled resourceful person
or people taking advantage of situations

countries companies groups an individual
ripe for expedient exploitation in
devious unscrupulous unprincipled ways

a crime easily orchestrated a real operation
with real planning an orchestrated layout
with multiple in place mission objectives

selective application of choice control principles
of applied justice reveals opportunism hypocrisy
witness numbers selected members of the party

who have been are being purged
under clinical apex leadership with
no regard for innocence or guilt

in terms of alleged offences
no regard for procedures
the constitution of the...

choose (random) country as applicable
alliance partner formations
turned into appropriate new committees

for the defence of the interests
of a few vogue alliance leaders
who endeavour to increase their

representation in
all legislative
executive structure

geographic disinvestment
to none
concerned with lending

by ethnicity
race religion

process evolved from
obscure reporting statute
to a flashpoint for debates

over lending
discrimination subprime
lending masses

seen as 'useful idiots'
by empowered
who rule populace

lull into a feeling
of 'appeasement'
manipulate vote

operate behind
every public venue
create stage scene

recruit resource individualistic
taking from cultural heritage
remix spin give nothing in return

manipulate group consciousness
people indifferent to morality legality
preserving civic potential within
an apathetic political system fixed

prime ingredients required: mix
with liberal portions of exploitative personal
incentive season with censure blind
eye from highest walls of administrative power

due to past political successes an expedient on the rise

Copyright © Terence George Craddock
http: //www.poemhunter.com/terence-george-craddock/

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