Penny Wise And Pound Foolish! Poem by Ramesh T A

Penny Wise And Pound Foolish!

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After my coming into the picture of relatives and friends
Many better changes have taken place sure so far...!

Wherever my presence is there best things happen;
My childhood days of 3 years they still talk with smile!

After seeing me many have married and had children
And they too have married and have grand children;
Still my presence brings olden days' joys once again!

I have studied, got married and have become poet;
All have my first foundation books in their hands
And even now when they see me ask for my 2 books -
Dreams, Ideas and Realities & The creation of One World!

All are keeping them in bureaus inside the locker as if
They are gold or diamonds sans saying anything........;
But they talk about my 3 years old talks and acts ever!

Poetry is highly praised and valued in the society;
But they don't give the honour they give to others
Like novels, short stories and even plays with Awards!

What shall I say about this society that cherishes
Not eternal values but only silly and small matters?
Arts and Literature also have the same fate of great
Religion and Philosophy keeping films and TV on head!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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