Perfect Girl Poem by David Darbyshire

Perfect Girl

Rating: 5.0

I do not want to say anything funny
because I know every lady is 'Perfect',
there is only one little problem,
I just have not found one yet.

That does not mean I will give up looking
I am sure there is one out there for me
She does not have to be good at cooking
or nor a beauty for all to see.

All I wish for is a little 'Love',
the rest we can sort, you'll see.
To find the perfect girl,
it will be hard trust me

Life is full of surprises
and most of them are free
Should I sit and be patient,
or wait for the perfect girl to find me?

kAy BaRCeLon 05 March 2007

It's like a game You want all or nothing Every lady is perfect I see one slight problem You want all of them Not at the same time I hope Now I am curious of what your perfect lady looks like...

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Patricia Gale 27 June 2006

Dave I hate to burst your bubble... but as a lady I can tell you we are far from perfect. To find one perfect you would have to be a mad sceintist and create her. But don't look for perfect look for a good match.

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***** ********* 27 June 2006

This is just the ticket to find that perfect girl for you David and you will find her or vice versa. A very sweet poem that made me smile. You have a gentle nature and I am sure your match will find you soon. There is someone out there for everyone, it is just time that dictates where and when imo. Have a lovely day, Tai

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Francesca Johnson 27 June 2006

Aww Dave, you will find your perfect lady one day. Just stop looking, that's usually the way. In the meantime there are lots of ladies on PH who will keep you company (cyberwise) until your Princess comes along. Never say die. Love, Fran the Fan xx

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Preeti - is here! 27 June 2006 you called girls perfect...we are flattered...but u can't keep waiting for the girl..another prince will come and fly her away. BTW i liked thie poem! Preets

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