Phobias Poem by Robert R. Railey



The stark, dark-night is of fear itself, but it's not the night that we fear most, it's the thoughts in our minds of a danger that's near
By day, our most secret thoughts may try to hide away, but they must eventually come out to play, and they usually do so at night
So what's your worst fear? Is it the evil in the depths of your own blood's river that frightens you the most?
And do you sometimes find yourself thinking of that place in your mind where nobody visits but ghost?
Or do you merely scoff at those childhood fears but then won't even turn out the lights; or when you're alone do you remember the past, and if so, how then, do you stay the fright?
For its long been said that a single thought has the power to chill our very being, and that it can even scare us to death; especially when we delve into our own wicked past
And as unfortunate as it may be, many of those visions of ominous threats are buried deeply within our souls
Though at times, we all know that the evil side of man can occasionally rear its ugly head, and this seems to be especially true when we don a military uniform; but it's those kinds of memories that we would like most to put to rest though it's doubtful we'll ever get the chance
Of course, we have also heard that the dark side of man can be controlled and that those evil thoughts can be somewhat stilled; or at least, they can be put on hold
Does this then mean that we must separate the night from the day, for isn't the darkness where the phobias lay; and then along with, of course, all of the fears of those less bold
Actually, though, it's not that we fear just one thing, but rather, they're the fears of what we might become
And if we're entirely honest with ourselves, then it's not the dread of opening just one door but it's actually a whole lot more, isn't it?
Indeed, if we humans had only one fear to conquer then a single phobia might be controlled; and theoretically, we could be restored back to health
But our primary concern isn't the phobias per se, ` for it has more to do with our own evil selves that strive desperately to be free from us

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